Monday, June 13, 2011

Alpha Channel

I created a texture which is used in the basement ( library journal room ) in photoshop. However, photoshop created errors when saving as a png with alpha transparency support. So I imported the generated image (.psd) into gimp and used the gimp to save the image with proper png alpha transparency support. That worked, thank goodness!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Added the library features: including an upstairs library, a downstairs book collection, and an upstairs working desk. All use the glowing color theme that is consistent with the rest of the library.

Particle Systems

Particle systems are hard... but essentially what they are are 2d sprites. Images on a plane always facing the user, and generated per a linden script. I started mucking around with the code a little bit, and just came up with a little glowing box that has particles the go invisible very quickly. I then copied and pasted this script onto a sculptie.

Photoshop textures

Here are some of the textures I created. I used both photoshop and gimp ( ) to muck around with them.

Used off set filter here - although it isnt too noticeable - so I create another to show that I actually know what I am doing.

Follower Object

I created an object - looks like a landmine - that followers the closest avatar. So if it ran faster you could play some fun games of 'steal the pet'. Too bad it lags too much to make that possible.

Visiting places

I visited two new places in secondlife.

  • (secondlife://Indigo/75/213/22) The first was a nice japanese style garden:

  • (secondlife://Albion/158/147/43:) The second was a sci-fi museum.


Group 12 has our sketchbook at address: